Multiple convenient digital banking platforms such as SDB Mobile App, SMS Banking, Business Internet Banking, UPay and mCash
A special interest rate of up to 4.50% per annum
A SDB Dayada Children’s Investment Certificate on the birth of a child OR a voucher worth Rs. 4,000/= to purchase clothing / footwear or training / instruments for account holders who maintain an account balance of Rs 100,000/- for 24 months
Low interest loans for small and medium scale entrepreneurs
Capacity building, self-employment and skills development training for entrepreneurs
Special personal loans for account holders with confirmed employment (permanent employee cadre) in either the Government or private sector
SDB VISA debit card that can be used at any SDB ATM or any other VISA ATMs across the country. The debit card can also be used to purchase goods and services at any VISA merchant outlet island-wide.
A Jawaya savings account can be opened by Sri Lankan males between the age of 18 - 55.
A minimum initial deposit of Rs. 500/=
Documents Needed
A duly filled account opening application
Copy of the national identity card / passport / driver’s license for identification
Address verification document (i.e. copy of fixed utility bill, bank statement, etc) if current postal address differs from the national identity card or identification document