Attractive rate
No guarantors required
Minimum documentation
50% Discount on documentation charges
Special discount on insurance
Special insurance package with discounts
Resident Sri Lankan Citizens with age limit between 18 to 55 years
Be a salaried employee or professional with monthly income of Rs 25,000/- and above
Any type of brand-new motor bikes
Japanese & Indian reconditions bikes with a valuation from a listed valuer
Brand-new electric bikes for new and existing clients
Used (registered) bikes in Japanese & Indian origin with a valuation from a listed valuer – For new and existing clients
Salary remittance to NTB account or Standing Instruction to NTB account
Documents Needed
NIC or Passport or Driving License copy
Invoice or Valuation (as mentioned above)
Salary Slips or bank Statements or Saving account
Billing proof (KYC / address verification)