Fixed Deposits
1 Month 2 Months 3 Months
7.25% -- 7.25%
6 Months 12 Months (1Y) 24 Months (2Y)
7.50% 8.00% 9.50%
36 Months (3Y) 48 Months (4Y) 60 Months (5Y)
10.00% 10.75% 11.00%
1 Month 2 Months 3 Months
-- -- --
6 Months 12 Months (1Y) 24 Months (2Y)
7.35% 7.70% 8.70%
36 Months (3Y) 48 Months (4Y) 60 Months (5Y)
8.75% 8.95% 8.65%

Ability to borrow up to 90% of the fixed deposit value by way of an overdraft or a loan
Attractive interest rates
Option to nominate a beneficiary
Ability to open joint deposits
Inner Circle status and segment benefits for deposits over Rs.1,000,000
Private Banking status with personalized service for maintaining a monthly average credit balance of LKR. 10,000/- in Rupee Savings or Rupee Current account excluding investment planners AND a total relationship of LKR 20 Million in both Assets and Liabilities or Liability relationship of LKR 10 Million or Remit a Net monthly Salary of LKR 500,000
Be a Sri Lankan National over 18 years with a valid NIC
A Non National holding a valid resident visa
Documents Needed
National Identity Card/ Passport/ Driving License
A duly filled account opening application
Documentary Evidence for address verification