Buying a home - Let us help you get started with becoming a homeowner.
Investing in another home - See how we can support your investment in a second home.
Refinancing your mortgage - Lighten your burden, enjoy additional savings and other benefits by refinancing your mortgage with us.
Getting a loan against your property - Find out how this option can help you to access funds to further your child's overseas education.
Faster approval with a dedicated Relationship Manager to assist in the entire journey
an existing HSBC Premier customer | a Sri Lankan national residing in Sri Lanka
aged between 23 and 55 (or up to 60 years old if you can provide employment confirmation)
earning a monthly net remuneration of at least LKR435,000** (net salary and fixed allowances), and you're able to meet the repayment commitment
** Your salary must be remitted into an HSBC account. Please refer to the criteria for HSBC Premier
Documents Needed
The documents you need to provide will depend on the type of loan you're applying for. Please get in touch with your Relationship Manager who will be able to help you with the loan application process.