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Amana Bank celebrated Children’s Day 2023 by carrying out a variety of activities in schools, nurseries, orphanages, and public places across the country with the involvement of its branch network. This initiative witnessed Amana Bank branches engaging with their local communities to provide children a fun-filled day, with games, entertainment items and rewards.

In addition to the fun, Amana Bank also instilled the importance of savings amongst the kids, with the belief that a strong financial foundation is key to building a bright future, and is dedicated to helping children understand the value of savings and responsible financial management.

Commenting on the Children’s Day engagement the Bank’s Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications Azim Rali stated “Amana Bank is delighted to have engaged with our branch community to organize multiple children’s day events. These events provide an opportunity solely not only for entertainment but also for learning, as we are committed to nurturing the financial well-being of the island’s children.”

Amãna Bank Children’s Savings offers an ideal platform to nurture one’s Child on the habit of savings from an early age, while offering many rewards including savings vouchers worth Rs 1,000/- to parents of new-borns, customized grow your balance based rewards in partnership with Daraz, bonus standing order rewards as well as rewards based on academic performance.

Amãna Bank PLC is a stand-alone institution licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange with Jeddah-based IsDB Group being the principal shareholder having a 29.97% shareholding of the Bank. The IsDB Group is a ‘AAA’ rated multilateral development financial institution with a membership of 57 countries. Testifying its position as a leading practitioner of the non-interest based banking model, Amãna Banks continued to be recognized amongst the Top 100 Strongest Islamic Bank’s in the World by The Asian Banker.

Amãna Bank does not have any subsidiaries, associates, or affiliated institutions apart from its engagement with OrphanCare as its Founding Sponsor.

Amana Bank recently celebrated Children's Day by organizing various engagement activities across the island.